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Tout Ce Qui Reste

Thirteen-word "Modern Love" stories


Last fall, as part of our "Modern Love at 13" project, we asked readers to submit haikulike versions of their love stories. We received, well, a few (ahem, north of 9,000). Here is a batch of 13-word stories that caught our eye...

ANTI new years resolutions


Why bum yourself out with unrealistic resolutions to get fiteat healthy, and stop smoking? Let 2018 welcome the new you, the happier you. Get fat, gorge on junk food, and jump off that wagon...

A "Pooper's Guide" to the city's funkiest bathrooms


It's no secret that Tel Aviv doesn't exactly have the most 'user-friendly' bathrooms. Have no fear! The "Pooper's Guide" is here with a roundup of the funkiest, freshest, cleanest, most-heavily Teepee-stocked bathrooms in town...

Nap time: the best spots around the city to take a nap

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There's nothing better than some quick shut eye to get through an active day in the nonstop city. Since field studies are the most reliable forms of research, I studied the fields of Tel Aviv, letting its most enticing nap spots call out to me...

Top five Tel Aviv neuroses


1. You're more hungover than the rest of the office...for the third time this week (and you've only had three work days so far). Despite the caffeine-inspired boost that helped you achieve the impossible...

The 16 unwritten rules of biking

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...well, technically there are no rules, but rather than being a cycling cynic, as both an optimist and an avid Tel Aviv biker, I would like to share my two(-wheel) cents with those ready to hit the road (and possibly a pedestrian or two)...

Loaded questions: the four Tel Avivian sons of Passover


The Wise Son, The Wicked Son, The Son Who Does Not Know How to Ask, The Simple Son. We've carried these archetypes into the 21st century and compared them to real characters found in Israel...

22 things that will definitely happen to you when you move to Israel

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That first year as a transplant is chock-full of surprises, but these 22 'life events' are a given — for better or for worse...

Molly Tolsky: "I changed all the pictures on my JSwipe profile to professional-looking photos in an ugly velvet Hanukkah dress"


Molly Tolsky is the kind of all-round success story all women should aspire toward. She holds two fiction degrees, she has managed to keep 2/3 of a Zanzibar Gem alive for an entire year, she took the "ugly" out of ugly velvet Hanukkah dress...

THE RANT: what’s driving us meshuga in TLV right now


If Stranger Things taught us anything, it's that for every great city, there is an equally terrifying 'Upside Down' lurking underneath the nearest research center. From ghost buses to trash tossed on the pavement literally inches...

Rooftop 'Womance': the tale of SipScene speed friending


It's the end of another grueling work week and I've been lying in bed since 16:00. Fresh off a breakup and already drowning in this terrifying abyss of free social time, I flip through my mental Rolodex of thinning girlfriends... 

10 relationship arguments you'll have in Israel this summer


It's hot. You're bothered. The insatiable Middle Eastern heat has not only put a damper on your style, it has put a damper on your relationship as well. While these may not be relationship deal breakers...

Top five people who ruin the beach


The Ginger. One would think that ginger-ism, Casper-itus, and all associated symptoms were non-existent in a country that sees the sun more than not. Well, think again. There is a subculture of melanin-deprived red heads hiding beneath...

12 Tel Aviv anomalies that simply make no sense


1. Tandem electric biking. Not only can Tel Avivians fit two people on one bike, they can fit one person on a bike while the other stands straight up in the back, defying all laws of gravity. Take that Sir Isaac Newton...

© 2018 by Jennifer Greenberg

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